Our Purpose

We leverage a variety of coaching techniques to help leaders maximize their potential in their efforts to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. 

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Our Purpose

Special Education Leaders, LLC, provides leadership coaching and consultation to Local Education Agencies (LEAs). Our services are customized to meet the unique and varied needs of Special Education Departments and leaders today. We leverage a variety of coaching techniques to help leaders maximize their potential in their efforts to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. 

When you partner with Special Education Leaders consultants, we support you as a thought partner as you evaluate your individual and system needs. We will listen and work alongside you as you design, implement and reflect on your system and individual leadership goals. We will celebrate your successes along the way and continuously build on them. 

We value experiences and listen to the stories of our clients, their staff and families. 


We are committed to imagining a school system that embraces all students by understanding the larger systems at play. As coaches, we want to bring out the best in those we coach utilizing a strength-based approach while cultivating relationships and compassion. 

Group of young managers or economists gathered for start-up meeting in office


With a combined 45 years of experience as Special Educators, our consultants have worked at all levels of Special Education–as everything from classroom teachers, school psychologists and program specialists, to district and SELPA directors.  As active Special Education leaders, we are able to offer practical perspectives and resources to support our primary focus of leadership coaching.  Our goal is to provide the support and thought partnership for today’s emerging Special Education leaders that we wish had been available to us throughout our own leadership journeys.

We hope to build a community of educators in the field of special education that values one another and learns from one another.  We believe that outcomes for students with disabilities will be improved by sharing our collective knowledge and passion as Special Education Leaders.