Our Services

Increasing and enhancing equitable opportunities and outcomes for all students using a strength based approached.

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Our Approach

Strength-based Continuous Improvement Approach

Special Education Leaders, LLC provides leadership coaching and consulting services for Special Education leaders and teams.

Our support utilizes a strength-based approach focused on increasing and enhancing equitable opportunities and outcomes for all students.

Our goal is to provide services

specifically designed to meet your district’s needs.

Services can include, but are not limited to:


Our One-to-One Leadership Coaching is grounded in the principles of Evocative Coaching. We listen and build on the existing skills, knowledge and beliefs of our clients using reflective practices. We help educators increase self-awareness skills knowing that cultivating change starts with us as individuals. 

We coach to inspire, explore, heal, and build a community to transform our educational community.


Special Education Leaders specializes in special education – we live and breathe special education. We have the unique experience to provide consultation in special education. Oftentimes coaches in education are not experts in their field. It’s not a requirement, however, with our coaches, we build the capacity of others by facilitating their learning. As consultants, we can provide training and support based on our many years as Special Educators and leaders using our area of expertise and experience. Some may coin this as a more directive coaching technique. Either way, we are here to co-create with you.

As veteran special education leaders currently working in the field, we are uniquely positioned to be valuable thought partners who can provide real-time, relevant coaching and consultation to both new and veteran special education leaders.

We are flexible and will partner with you to customize a plan to meet your unique needs.